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The Whale Rider
Witi Ihimaera
The Palace of Illusions
Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni

The Stars Change

The Stars Change - Mary Anne Mohanraj I've been trying to decide whether The Stars Change is erotica with a science fiction backdrop or a science fiction story in which the characters manage to tear themselves away from their busy sex lives in order to save their city from interplanetary terrorism.

I'm angling towards the latter because characters in erotica tend to lack humanity and these ones don't, so much. Actually, humanity is a loaded world in terms of The Stars Change, because it's set in a multicultural world, replete with tensions (and sexual engagements) between humans, modified humans and aliens, but I don't have a better one. If we ever get there, this will obviously be a problem ;)

I wouldn't say this book changed my life or anything, but I enjoyed reading it. Other readers may like to know that IMO the erotic aspects are rather oriented towards those who are attracted to women, but sensitively enough done not to put the rest of us off. Also the world on this distant future planet was founded by humans from the Indian sub-continent and has retained and modified Indian tradition in all sorts of interesting ways.(