This is a bit of an odd book to get as a library book as I did. 130 essays about desirable books and odd issues related to reading sci-fi and fantasy don't lend themselves ideally to reading from cover to cover before the borrowing time runs out. Still, the author's very readable and interesting style made it doable.
I'm possessed by a strange desire at the moment to have someone else choose my books for me. I accept recommendations from the Goodreads engine, other reviewers and the people at the library who choose the books for the display shelves. I think this may turn out to be the most enjoyable set of recommendations of the bunch.
It's going to be a bit hard following them, since several are obscure orout of print but especially because of my library's strange approach to stocking its sci-fi and fantasy shelves. I assume what they have done is bought this book, made a list of all the titles it contained, carefully purged their collection of any title on the list, then placed this book on the shelves to tease us with.
Oh, one other thing, I happened to see Jo Walton's fantasy novel [b:Among Others|8706185|Among Others|Jo Walton||6449955] in the book shop. I had several reasons for wanting to give it a try, but it turned out to be good to read straight after this, because now at least I recognize the many, many books the character talks about.