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Currently reading

The Whale Rider
Witi Ihimaera
The Palace of Illusions
Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni
Witi Ihimaera
Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni
February 2015
finished reading:
February 2015
finished reading:
February 2015
finished reading:
February 2015
finished reading:
February 2015
finished reading:
February 2015
finished reading:
February 2015
reviewed: The Activists’ Handbook: A step-by-step guide to participatory democracy
I think the ideal reader for this book would be just starting to get involved in some sort of activism, either a starting a c...
The Activists’ Handbook: A step-by-step guide to participatory democracy - Aidan Ricketts
finished reading:
January 2015
reviewed: I Shall Wear Midnight
A lot of this book is about Tiffany struggling with situations she is really too young and inexperienced to cope with, which ...
I Shall Wear Midnight - Terry Pratchett
finished reading:
January 2015
reviewed: A Hat Full of Sky
I think this may well be my favorite of the four Tiffany Aching books. If I had to say why... perhaps it's because it has a b...
A Hat Full of Sky - Terry Pratchett
finished reading:
January 2015
reviewed: Jude in London
I picked this book up in the library and after the first couple of chapters I decided it was going to be rather like spending...
Jude in London - Julian Gough
finished reading:
January 2015
reviewed: The Gospel of Loki
This is the latest of several books I've read with my daughter (aged 13), so I'm going to review it from that perspective. Fi...
The Gospel of Loki - Joanne Harris
finished reading:
January 2015
reviewed: The Girl Who Saved the King of Sweden
I really liked the film of [b:The Hundred-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out of the Window and Disappeared|18308098|The Hundred-Yea...
The Girl Who Saved the King of Sweden - Jonas Jonasson
finished reading:
January 2015
reviewed: The 100 Thing Challenge: How I Got Rid of Almost Everything, Remade My Life, and Regained My Soul
You really don't need to read this book to do a 100 Thing Challenge. I picked up on the idea as an Internet meme about 5 year...
The 100 Thing Challenge: How I Got Rid of Almost Everything, Remade My Life, and Regained My Soul - Dave Bruno
finished reading:
November 2014
reviewed: The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin
Hmmm... it's the sort of book where everyone's heard what's in it, even before they read it. I actually found the third secti...
The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin - Benjamin Franklin
reviewed: Confucius, the Analects: The Path of the Sage--Selections Annotated & Explained (Skylight Illuminations)
After trying to read Confucius 'raw' I realized I needed a little help and orientation. This hit the spot and I now feel much...
Confucius, the Analects: The Path of the Sage--Selections Annotated & Explained (Skylight Illuminations) - Confucius, Rodney L. Taylor, James Legge
finished reading:
finished reading:
October 2014
reviewed: Mindful London
It's a cute idea but I suppose it wasn't really for me because I'm already perfectly calm and contented with London's state o...
Mindful London - Tessa Watt
August 2014
finished reading:
August 2014
finished reading:
August 2014
finished reading:
August 2014
reviewed: The Fifth Elephant
I read The Fifth Elephant again because I needed to relax.I wonder if it's even worth saying anything about a book that alrea...
The Fifth Elephant - Terry Pratchett
finished reading:
August 2014
reviewed: The Stars Change
I've been trying to decide whether The Stars Change is erotica with a science fiction backdrop or a science fiction story in ...
The Stars Change - Mary Anne Mohanraj
finished reading:
August 2014
reviewed: Toby Alone
The world building idea of the tree as continent with a complex society of people inhabiting it is cute. The plot and charac...
Toby Alone - Timothée de Fombelle, Sarah Ardizzone
finished reading:
July 2014
finished reading:
July 2014
reviewed: Gods Without Men
This was so beautifully written and so intense to read, I had to take it in very small stages, but maybe a lot of that depend...
Gods Without Men - Hari Kunzru
finished reading:
July 2014
reviewed: Emil and the Detectives
I'd expected a slightly higher reading age. Emil was fun but I should have tried to plough through it in German for a bit of ...
Emil and the Detectives - Erich Kästner, Walter Trier
reviewed: Satan's Guide to the Bible: 1 Satan, Hitch and Snikwad Face Their Demons
This is the free, two chapter preview for a series I'll definitely be checking out. Poor old Satan is up to his horns in trou...
Satan's Guide to the Bible: 1 Satan, Hitch and Snikwad Face Their Demons - Stuart Lorde
finished reading:
finished reading: